Investor registration process

New investor

To register as a Client of Orfeo Capital S.G.I.I.C., S.A and subscribe to any of the funds that we manage, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  1. Complete the High Client / Legal Person Registration form
  2. Take the Convenience Test and the Declaration of the Holder about FACTA.
  3. Sign the documents and send to ORFEO CAPITAL SGIIC, SA by post, hand deliver to our offices or send by email to together with the *Photocopies of the Documentation to be provided.
  4. Once the documentation provided is received and analyzed, you must fill out, sign and send the Subscription / Transfer order.
  5. In the event that you may have any doubts during the process, you can contact the Investor Relations Department at 91193 00 21 or at

* Documentation to provide:

Spanish natural persons residing in Spain:

  • D.N.I. and N.I.F. of the holders, legal and authorized representatives.
  • In the case of minors, the date of birth is entered as NIF, assigning a legal representative with their NIF.
  • If the minor is over 14 years of age, his NIF must necessarily be indicated.

Foreign natural persons residing in Spain:

  • Residence permit issued by the Ministry of the Interior or passport.
  • Resident’s NIE (Foreign Tax Identification Number). Likewise, the powers of the people acting on their behalf must be proven.

Legal entities resident in Spain:

  • Presentation of supporting documentation of your name, legal form, address and corporate purpose, whether of Spanish or foreign legal entities.
    • Tax Identification Card (NIF). Identifications of the NIF.
    • Articles of incorporation and power of attorney, once registered in the Mercantile Registry.
    • Photocopy of the NIF of the Company’s Representatives.

Registration form


The subscription form:

  • Transfer to the fund account from an Account in which it is the Holder of the same.

At the same time, the client must complete and sign the Subscription Order. The order can be sent to ORFEO CAPITAL SGIIC, SA by post, hand delivered to our offices, or sent by email to:

Subscription form


To reimburse the funds of ORFEO CAPITAL SGIIC, SA it is necessary to complete and sign the Reimbursement Order. The order can be sent to ORFEO CAPITAL SGIIC, SA by post, hand delivered to our offices or sent by email to


To transfer funds from another entity to funds from ORFEO CAPITAL SGIIC, SA, the Transfer Request is completed and signed. It is important to correctly fill in all the identification data of the fund that you want to transfer and send the token and a copy of the position statement in the original fund by email to

Once the transfer is verified by the fund management company, shares of the fund / s of ORFEO CAPITAL SGIIC, SA will be subscribed for the same amount.

Transfer form